Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is a Rose Tyler appreciation post.

Rose Tyler was companion to the Ninth and Tenth Doctors on Doctor Who, and one thing I can't stand is seeing hate on her.

One thing I love about Rose Tyler is that she shows that anyone ordinary can become someone extraordinary.  Before the Doctor came into her life, she was just a normal shop girl (either a high school dropout, or she just never continued onto university, I can never remember).  Nothing interesting ever happened in her life.  Then, one day, a strange man took her hand and told her to run.  He saved her life.  Then, she saved his life.  She continued to travel with the Doctor and her life was changed so much.  She continually risked her life for the planet, or for the Doctor.

Rose was such a great companion because she has a big heart and is very trusting and dedicated and determined.

One moment that stands out at me, displaying her big heart is in "Love and Monsters".  She and the Doctor go looking for the boy (whose name I cannot remember) to yell at him because he upset her mum, but once she sees that he's hurting, she forgets that she was angry with him and sits with him and tries to comfort him instead.  Another moment I can remember is in the episode "Dalek".  Rose has no idea what a Dalek is or how evil it is.  All she knows is that it's in pain and she wants to help it.  Even after she sees what it can do, she still wants to help it.

When Rose first met the Doctor, she trusted him without knowing much anything about him.  Sure, she questioned that trust at first, but soon she learned that she was right to trust him, and it grew even more as she got to know him more.

Rose is so dedicated to the Doctor, and she is determined.  An entire universe couldn't keep her away from him.  She wanted to find him, to get back to him, to travel with him again.  He told her it was impossible, that they could never see each other again, but she found away back to him.  And in the 2 years she was gone, he never forgot her.  I think that there's a part of the Doctor that will always love Rose.  He does have two hearts, after all!

Something that bugs me is when people say that Rose's only epic moment was when she absorbed the Time Vortex.  Yes, that was pretty badass, but was it really her only epic moment? I mean, do you not remember that time when she, killed Satan? No big deal or anything.  So to counter that opinion, I'm going to leave you a list of extremely brave or incredibly badass Rose moments that I can think of off the top of my head.

  1. She looked into the heart of the TARDIS, absorbed the Time Vortex, disintegrated the Daleks AND their emperor, and lived. That BAMF.
  2. In the very first episode, "Rose", she risked her life to save this man she hardly knew.
  3. In "The Empty Child", she witnesses London being bombed by Germany hanging from a barge balloon (hah, alliteration!).  Albeit, that may be a bit more of a damsel-in-distress moment, but it's pretty badass that she didn't die!
  4. This may be seen as more of a funny moment (I find it absolutely hilarious every time I watch it), but when Rose stands up to the Sycorax in "The Christmas Invasion".
  6. Also, in other parts of "The Impossible Planet" and "The Satan Pit" when the Doctor is gone and Rose believes she may never see him again, but she still tries to put on a strong face and help be a leader for everyone on the planet.
  7. In "Fear Her", when the Doctor is turned into a drawing, she's determined to get him back, and saves the day in the end.
  8. In "Doomsday", Rose knows full well that she will never see her parents and Mickey again if she stays in her own universe to help the Doctor, where she could very well be sucked into the void, but she stays with him anyway.
  9. Also in "Doomsday", she sees that the opening into the void is starting to close, but not all of the Cybermen and Daleks are gone yet, so she lets go of the super magnet thing to pull the lever back and keep it open to make sure every last one of the Cybermen and Daleks are gone, which leads to her getting stuck in the parallel universe.  (This is probably one of my personal favorite Rose moments.  It shows just how brave she is.)
  11. Oh, and she built that dimension cannon just to try and get back to the Doctor.
Wow, that list ended up being longer than I thought.  And that was just off the top of my head.

Basically, I love Rose Tyler.

I think this day 2 BEDA post is complete.  Sorry if you don't like Doctor Who.  I'm going to Whimsic Alley tomorrow, so I'll talk about that for day 3!

Books read: Still 14
Disneyland trips: 9 (I went today!)
Current Song: The Daleks - Doctor Who Soundtrack

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