Sunday, August 21, 2011

I'm going to be honest

I'm getting a little sick of BEDA.  I have no idea why.  I really enjoyed it in April, but these last few days I just haven't wanted to type up a post at all.  Like, I'd rather be reading or watching television or scrolling through pages on Tumblr or constantly checking my email to see if I have anything from Pottermore yet.

If you were wondering, no I haven't gotten my Pottermore welcome email yet, but a few of my friends have.  If my sister gets it before me, I'll probably be really mad.  I'm also still getting more worried about the sorting! Especially since Evanna Lynch had an identity crisis after being sorted into Gryffindor.  I think she's accepted it now though, so that's good, but if I'm sorted into anything other than Hufflepuff, I don't know what I'm going to do!  So I'm getting more and more stressed thinking about that.

I also have an in-class essay tomorrow.  Second day of school and already an in-class essay!  I suppose that's AP Literature for you.  But my sister had told me a few weeks ago that she has extra blue books, but when I asked her again today she said she's not sure.  Isn't that bloody fantastic?

Speaking of my sister, we were talking about Doctor Who earlier and she said, "I don't like Donna."  ...what?  How are we even related?!

So...I think I'll just go look for blue books and then maybe watch Doctor Who or Friends...

Books read: still 17
Disneyland trips: still 11
Current song: none because the stupid Youtube video won't load >.<

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting on my welcome e-mail too, and I'm also really worried about the sorting. Have you seen Alex Carpenter's Pottermore music video about the sorting?
