I randomly decided to come on and saw that Kristina Horner and Hayley Hoover had posted their BEDA day one posts and thought, "OH RIGHT, IT'S BEDA." So...now I'm typing up this first blog post with 27 minutes to do so! Let's see how this goes.
(EDIT: Skip these next few paragraphs because I don't start talking about semi-interesting stuff until then!)
So since the last time I've been here...my cousin got married so I went on a road trip to Oregon and was one of her bridesmaids, I turned 17, oh, and I met Matt Smith and Karen Gillan from Doctor Who! I highly doubt you care about any of that, though.
Gosh, I really don't know what to talk about. I was hoping that when I started typing, a brilliant idea would come into my mind and I'd leave everyone speechless with my incredible ideas, but this is just turning out to be crap so far.
School starts in 16 days and I still haven't really started any of my AP Literature homework. I'm not too worried about that though because I like English and I'm good at English, so those assignments shouldn't take me too long. I'm a little worried about AP Psychology though, because my teacher told us we have an essay due the first day of school but hasn't even given us a prompt or question or anything yet. Though I did finish 8 pages, front and back, of notes and questions for that class just a few short hours ago.
I'm really sorry if you actually read this! It was probably such a waste of time! At least it's short, I suppose. Ah, well, hopefully my posts will get better over the rest of the month. Oh, I know! I can talk about doing BEDA!
I did Blog Every Day in April for the first time this year, so I decided to do August too! It was a great experience because I challenged myself to write every day (albeit, I didn't really know what I was doing until the end of the month). Hopefully this time around, I'll challenge myself more, and I'll try to come up with interesting things to discuss each day, even if I'm a little busy. I'm really glad I've started doing BEDAs, and I'm also going to be doing NaNoWriMo for the first time this year. I hope that all of these will help me to become a better writer.
Okay, I suppose that last part was still pretty boring, but it will suffice. I shall be back tomorrow with (hopefully) something more interesting! Ha, I'm done with 16 minutes to spare!
Books read: 14 (I'm not doing very well with this, am I?)
Disneyland trips: 8
Current song: none
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