Saturday, July 21, 2012

So many things to do!

It's summer, and I'm surprised I haven't made more blog posts over summer, but I've been distracted.  It's so nice to have a summer where I don't have any homework or reading or studying to do.  It's amazing to have so much free time to do whatever I want. Then again, most of my friends either live too far, can't drive, or are always busy, so I haven't seen my friends too much... I've mostly spent that free time on the Tumblr, YouTube, or Netflix.

There are so many things I need to do this summer, and I only have one month and two days left.  I'm trying to watch about five different tv shows.  There's also about ten books I want to read.  Plus, I've recently been wanting to reread Harry Potter and my John Green books.  I also want time to play Lego Harry Potter on the Wii, because I just got that.  I want time to do mindless scrolling through Tumblr.  I want time to write.  I want time to catch up on YouTube videos.

And on top of all that, I have to go shopping for college stuff and pack things and just get ready for this big change from high school to college.

I'm excited for college. I'm not really nervous at all.  My roommate is one of my best friends from high school, I have an amazing schedule (with only one class on Fridays!), and I already made some awesome new friends at orientation last month.  I'm excited to start learning.  I'm excited to get my core classes done so I can just study film and television.  I'm excited to meet new people and have new experiences and to just grow as a person!

But before that, I have a lot of things to do.