Friday, April 22, 2011

Lots of walking and strange men.

After sleeping over at Camille's house last night, my sister picked me up, because she had spent the night at her friend's house as well.  While in the car on the way home, we randomly decided to go to the Huntington Library. She had gone on a field trip and it sounded really cool, so I thought it would be fun, and it really was!

The gardens there were so beautiful.  I really liked the Chinese gardens and the lily ponds, because lilies are my favorite flower.  Well, water lilies, but still, lilies.  And the Chinese gardens had a pond with koi fish (a/n: koi fish always make me think of Avatar: The Last Airbender) and those ponds also had a few water lilies in them.  And even when just walking on the paths between the gardens, you were surrounded by such beautiful trees and flowers; it was amazing!

My favorite part, however, was this room that had all these original copies of literary works.  There were letters from famous people in history, original hand-written drafts of novels (with edits by the author scribbled in).  I actually recognized a lot of the authors' names and works from English and history classes.  And the best part of this room was a case that had Shakespeare's works.  There were original copies of Much Ado About Nothing and Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies.  The second one was open to the first page of King Lear.  I thought that was awesome.  I read the entire first page and I found all of the first lines of the people in my group!  Obviously we had cut the lines a little, but they were there!  I thought that was really cool.

After leaving the library, my sister and I were hungry, so we went to  Taco Bell.  The nearest one had a weird drive-thru, so we had to go in.  When we got inside, we noticed that we were the only girls there, but didn't think much of it.  So we told the guy at the register our orders and the total was only about four dollars.  We thought that was weird.  Then, this group of boys probably my age or a little younger were sitting by the door, and when we walked out, they shouted to us, "Hey baby!" It was so weird.

Then, when we got in the car, we were trying to figure out why our food was only $4.  I took a look at the receipt and noticed that it subtracted half the cost, and the reason was "EMP ML".  Employee Meal.  Employees get 50% off.  That old creep at the register gave us his discount.  Perv.  Ugh, I'm still weirded out.

Anyway, Demi Lovato is going to be on 20/20 soon and I'm really looking forward to watching this.  She is such a strong woman, and I'm proud to say that I'm a fan of hers.  If you have a problem with that, you can leave.  Now, I shall be back tomorrow! Adieu.

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