Thursday, April 28, 2011

I got to see people today!

DTASC is in two days and we all met today to practice.  I learned that my sister gets mad when I tell her it ends at 2 and we end up finishing at 2:15, and that I need to act even sexier. Fantastic.

But a good part of today was being able to see all my friends that I haven't seen in nearly two weeks.  And I also got to see, well, someone.  Someone that I ended up staring at most of the time we were in the same room.  I don't know why, but I really like that moment when you're staring at someone- well, not just staring absentmindedly, but actually looking at them- and then they look at you.  There's the time it takes for you to realize that they're looking at you, then that split second where your eyes meet, then the quick, trying-to-be-subtle turn of the head that's probably not as subtle as you hoped.  Then looking back at them a few seconds later.

Anyway, here's a recap of boring things you probably don't care about, so feel free to skip this part: I only have three full days left of spring break before school starts again, and I haven't started my homework.  I took my history book out of my backpack, but that's about it.  Also, that Spanish project I was supposed to work on over a week ago is apparently due the day we get back to school, so we can't work on anything after school like we had planned.  The only day we would be able to do it is Sunday, and I don't even think one girl would be able to work on it that day.  Gah, I fucking hate group projects.

Two more days of BEDA.  I'm sorry for spewing out random crap that people don't care about, but I want to finish this.

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