Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Now, Brown Cow!

My brain hath been consumed by Shakespeare's tongue in half of it.  The other half just is not functioning at all.  I am tired, but have not been able to sleep well the past few nights.  DTASC is all I seem to have time for right now.  During class, I'm trying to memorize my lines (which I think I've done!), and then after school I'm working on the scene.  We have basic blocking and we've cut a bit more so hopefully we'll be at about eight minutes.  The last time we timed it, it was 9:30.  And we can't get more blocking done, nor much of anything else, until we have an Edmund.  There have been many possibilities of people to play Edmund and all of them have backed out.  Originally, it was Mat, but he doesn't have the grades.  Then Mr. B. wanted Josh, but he has track.  Someone asked Lucas, but he's on Kairos that week.  Zack thought he could get someone named Thomas, but he can't do it.  We asked Elliot, but he doesn't want to.  And now we've asked someone whose name starts with an L, but I can't remember.  But we're open to anyone that breathes and has the capacity to memorize lines.

Let's see... Problems with our DTASC group: We're still missing an Edmund, our entire group hasn't met together yet, the most people we've had at once is four out of six, blocking is still a little muddy, I'm the only one off book, there is still confusion as to what some of the stuff means, and Mr. B. isn't helping much, though he said he would.

Now I have homework to do and tests to study for that I haven't prepared for at all even though I've had almost a week, because the last time I had these classes was last Thursday. Oh, and today I realized I need to add another paragraph or two to my research paper and I have no idea what to do!

I am just a giant ball of stress right now.  I have no time to read or go to Disneyland.

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