Today was a really good day! Well, the afternoon was, at least...
Sometimes, I hate being a girl. Especially today. It's, ya know, that time of the month, and this morning, I got cramps. Usually, my cramps aren't that severe- they're just a little pain in that area. But today, they were so bad. It hurt so much I threw up and felt like I was going to pass out. I ended up lying on the couch with a heating pad on my stomach for about an hour. It was awful. And it caused us to be late to the family Easter party, which I don't really mind, but still.
After I started to feel better, my day got better. The food was delicious- I practically filled myself up on the bread and cheesy potatoes. We got a piñata, but it broke after my 5 year old cousin went at it. She wasn't hitting it that hard, but she made it fall, then it broke. We were only supposed to get three swings each and be blindfolded, but I guess that didn't apply because she's only five. The rest of us our 13 and up, the oldest being 27, I think. Actually, I don't know how old he is. Never mind. But we got candy, so that was nice!
And now, at home, we watched Tangled. I got the DVD from the Easter Bunny this morning, so that was exciting! So my dad got me a soda, and I sat on the couch, eating my candy, watching Tangled with surround sound. I almost know all the words, and I've only seen it three and a half times. But I swear, it's one of my favorite movies!
Other good news: my cousin finally returned my copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! I'm never letting family borrow books again. Friends, yes- depending on the friend. But I guess family thinks they can just keep it as long as they want because they're family.
I know this is another late post, but it's still Sunday here in California. I hope you had a wonderful Easter, and I will see you tomorrow!
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