Saturday, April 7, 2012

Profound Thoughts at 2 AM

I haven't gone to sleep yet so it doesn't count as missing a day!

I can't believe I almost forgot today's post.  And I forgot yesterday's photo.  Wow, I'm doing really horribly at keeping up with things this year.

I cleaned my room today.  Well, kind of.  And I took my Once On This Island script out of my backpack.  I think I've been clinging to that show longer than necessary.  It's been over for three weeks and I was still carrying around my script in my backpack...  It's like, taking it out would mean that it actually is over.  Even though I know it's over.  I just didn't want it to be over.

I've been very nostalgic today.  I was also looking at my scripts for Night of the Living Dead and Phantom Tollbooth.  I miss those shows, too.  It's weird to think that Tollbooth was a year and a half ago...

The last time I went bowling was after a performance of Phantom Tollbooth.  It was fun.  And I'm going bowling for the first time since then tomorrow with a lot of the same people.  I don't know, it seems kind of weird to me.

Time is a weird thing.  It passes by and things you loved are gone and in the past, but they're still there.  You can think about them and remember them, but you can't actually go back to them.  I kind of wish you could.  Sometimes the past is better than the present.  And thinking about the future is too scary.

Yeah, I need to go to sleep and stop thinking.

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