Saturday, April 14, 2012

I love Joss Whedon!

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but I am going to be pursuing a career as a screenwriter.  Or, more specifically, writer for television, but basically same thing.  That's what I'll be going to school for starting next year and it's what I want to do for a living.  And Joss Whedon is the person I look up to in this field.

I tell people (friends, family, etc) that I want to be a screenwriter, and then they'll ask me what kind of movies or tv shows I want to write.  My short answer to this question is, "I want to be like the female version of Joss Whedon."  I have said this exact sentence multiple times.  Joss Whedon comes up with brilliant ideas for television shows and writes amazing, real characters.  I like how his shows are in the supernatural/science fiction genre.  I mean, I wouldn't want to watch or write about real situations.  If I'm going to watch or write something, I want it to be about something unreal, something that makes you think, something that makes you feel.  I can't tell you how many times Joss Whedon has made me cry, and it's because the situations, the characters, they make you feel.  I like that.

The point of this post isn't to just rant about how wonderful Joss Whedon is.  I actually found this little survey on Tumblr in the Dollhouse tag, so I figured I could fill it out on here!

1. Favorite Joss Whedon show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Least favorite Joss Whedon show? The only one I haven't seen yet is Angel, so I guess that.
3. Favorite Buffy episode? Either Once More With Feeling or Tabula Rasa
4. Least favorite Buffy episode? Either Doublemeat Palace or Ted. Those both were just hard for me to watch for some reason.
5. Favorite Buffy character? Willow Rosenberg!
6. Least favorite Buffy character? Probably Riley.
7. Favorite Angel episode? I haven't watched Angel, sorry! I will soon though!
8. Least favorite Angel episode? see above
9. Favorite Angel character?
I'll just leave these blank
10. Least favorite Angel character? 
11. Favorite Firefly episode? Jaynestown
12. Favorite Firefly character? Kaylee or River
13. Favorite Dollhouse episode? Epitaph One and Two
14. Favorite Dollhouse character?
I really love Mag, but she was only in two episodes, so if I can't say her because of that, then Priya or Bennet (who was also only in a few episodes but whatever).
15. Favorite character from Dr. Horrible? Penny
16. Character I love that everyone seems to hate? Dawn
17. Character I hate that everyone seems to love?
Angel, and I'm not a big fan of Paul
18. Whedonverse OTP? Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Buffy/Spike
19. Most random ship I sail? Inara/Kaylee (yes, random but I don't care) and Mag/Kilo (not as random because Mag does have a crush on her!)
20. Favorite season of Buffy? 4
21. Favorite season of Angel?
Haven't seen it.
22. Prettiest Buffyverse character? Faith
23. Whedonverse character I want to slap?
24. Whedonverse character I want to marry? 
Spike, Willow, Wash
25. How I became a Joss Whedon fan?
 My dad made me watch Firefly, I fell in love, and decided to watch Buffy on Netflix. Then Dollhouse. I had already seen Dr. Horrible but didn't know much about Joss Whedon at the time.

So...that's it!  If you're also a fan of Joss Whedon, feel free to let me know your answers in the comments! :)

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