Monday, April 2, 2012

Day Two!

We aren't doing anything in my AP Lit class right now so I figured I would take this opportunity to write my blog post for the day.  Technically we're supposed to be discussing Hamlet trial ideas, but...we're not doing that.  I've been talking with some girls in my class about college and money for the last half hour.

My teacher also just mentioned a scholarship contest for writing the script of a play about a disability.  I want to be a screenwriter, so I thought this would be a good scholarship for me to try for.  So I'm going to be writing a play.  I have to send it into Virginia by April 16, so I really should get working on it so it will arrive in time when I send it.

I swear, most of my bookmarks right now are for scholarship applications.  I'm really excited for college, but I'm not so excited for having to pay for it.  I want to use loans as little as I possibly can so I have less to pay back after graduation, but my tuition will probably end up being entirely loans.  Scholarships will help though, let's just hope that I can actually win one.

I will probably save the Hunger Games discussion for Wednesday because that is my first day of spring break and I will actually have time.  I only have like, 6 days off for spring break because after that, I have to go back to rehearsal.  The first Friday we're back at school is opening night... We open in 18 days and I still don't know all my lines!  I need to work on that.

Anyway, class is almost out so I'll just post this now so I don't forget later.  Until tomorrow! (Hopefully).

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