Thursday, June 23, 2011


If you're a Harry Potter fan, I'm sure you've heard so much about Pottermore this past week, and have probably already seen the announcement and submitted your email. If you're not a Harry Potter fan, feel free to stop reading.

I live in California, so the announcement was at 4:00 AM for me.  I set my alarm for 3:50 and went on the computer.  As I watched the last few seconds tick down off the clock, I was so excited.  I don't think I've been that excited about anything since I was about to open my brand new copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows back in 2007.

After watching the video, I was a bit confused.  I was actually thinking, "That's it?"  It was so...vague and cryptic.  But I figured that Jo wouldn't start all this hype for something that turned out to be simply sub-par.  I knew there had to be something more to this "online reading experience" than she was letting on in that video.

When I got home from summer school today, I went on Tumblr, and saw all this new information about Pottermore that I hadn't seen last night/this morning, and now I'm getting a better idea of what Pottermore is all about.  The only things I'm a little worried about are Ollivander's and the Sorting Ceremony.

There are some Potter fans, like me, who already know what wand they have (holly and dragon heartstring, 12 inches). I don't know why I picked that, but I guess I just liked that combination.  I also took a quiz after I had chosen my wand and I got the exact same result.  And my friend Bianca asked me what my wand is, and when I told her, she said she somehow already knew that.  I know "the wand chooses the wizard" and all that, and I know that the wand Jo thinks I should have would probably be more accurate than the wand I think I want, but I'm quite fond of my current wand.  I didn't mean for that to rhyme.

If anyone at least likes the Harry Potter books, you're bound to know what Hogwarts house you're in.  Some are a bit unsure and declare themselves a "Slytherdor" or a "Ravenpuff", but I, like many others, have settled on one house: Hufflepuff.  Every single person in the entire Potter community probably has a slightly different idea of how the sorting works, what traits each house might prefer, etc.  There are so many different online sorting quizzes, which is why one might be placed in different houses when taking different quizzes.  I've gotten Gryffindor and Ravenclaw a few times, but the majority of the quizzes I've taken have said Hufflepuff.  But what if Jo's idea of who belongs in Hufflepuff (or the house of your choice) is completely different from what we think?  I've been a Hufflepuff for years, and I'm extremely proud of and loyal to my house.  I don't know what I'd do if I was somehow sorted into a different house.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.  Maybe I'm still just over-thinking things, as usual.  I am really excited for Pottermore, and I will definitely be trying to get beta access on July 31, but I can't help but worry.  Ah, well, we'll find out soon enough.  I'm sure that, no matter what happens, this will be an amazing experience and a fantastic way to keep the magic of Harry Potter alive.

Books read: 13
Disneyland trips: 7
Current song: Forever and Always by Parachute

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