I'm far too lazy to think of a creative title for this post.
This blog will be for stuff like how my day was, or what happened, or some story I want to tell of something that happened. So I'll start it off with this simple, boring introduction post.
Today is Friday! And it was a DEF day! And my DEF classes are so much more tolerable/enjoyable than my ABC classes. I had English today (block F) and now I'm actually really excited to do my research paper. My topic is whether or not Harry Potter is sinful, evil, against Christianity, etc. Mrs. Mitchell said she thinks it's going to be interesting. :)
After school I went to Subway with Daniela and she had me watch most of the Peter Pan movie from 2003 on Youtube. It was pretty good, but I liked the live play better.
Anyway, I guess that's it. Next time I have something interesting happen to me, I'll talk about it here and maybe someone, somewhere will read it. Anyway, have a lovely day!
P.S. I'm going to use this to keep count of the books I've read and the trips I've made to Disneyland this year, so at the bottom of every post, I'm going to put a counter that looks like this:
Books I've Read: 1 and a half
Trips to Disneyland: 2
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