I hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend! I didn't enjoy my weekend as much as I would've liked too because I was anxiously anticipating the Night of the Living Dead cast list that was posted this morning, before school. I said I would tell you what happened when the cast list went up, so here it is: I got the part of Judy!!
Sure, it's not the part I originally wanted, but it's what I was called back for, and it's still considered a principle role, so I'm very excited and extremely happy about this! First rehearsal was today and it was so much fun! First day of show season, so everyone was very excited and you could just feel all our energy! Oh, another thing about my role: it has a stage kiss. That should be...interesting. But I'll just not think about it until Mr. B. wants to work on it, which hopefully won't be for a while.
I also found out today that the play opens in 38 days. I mean, 6 weeks sounds like a lot, but 38 days doesn't. It seems a bit scary and intimidating, going into this knowing we have only 38 days, but we can do it. Everyone I know in the cast is fantastic, and those I don't know will probably be great too. I'm just very much looking forward to these next six weeks!
Books read: 18
Disneyland trips: 13
Current song: Creature Fear - Bon Iver